HOW TO : Official AZUp Manual [For Azbox HD]
Official AZUp Manual [For Azbox HD]
” To use the Manual correctly AZUp
We have 3 situations:
I) Your Official FW in AZBox and want to install the E2
II) E2 have installed and want to install the official FW
III) E2 have installed and want to install a new update on your AZBox E2
I) Your Official FW in AZBox and want to install the E2
Turns AZBox (Disconnects from the current or “Off the back button)
Insert the USB Stick into the USB port to rear AZBox patch.bin File (E2) (pre-formatted USB stick in FAT32)
Turns AZBox
Follow the instructions that come out on the screen (typical use)
1 minute after the restart AZBox
Do not remove the USB Stick!
Wait for the IP on the screen AZBox
On your PC open the latest version of AZUp
Enter the IP you see on the screen AZBox
Click the Update button
AZUp comprueva the action to perform, I mean that checks the file patch.bin (E2 or FW version Original)
AZUp create the necessary partitions, Create 3 partitions in the DOM and Formats
Then copy the kernel E2 in Flash (it takes about 2.5 min)
When leaving the message-remove usb stick and wait for reboot (Rebooting. .. msg on VFD) –
The USB stick bags and you have the E2 Installed
II) E2 have installed and want to install the official FW
Turns AZBox (Disconnects from the current or “Off the back button)
Insert the USB Stick into the USB port to rear AZBox patch.bin File (Official FW) (pre-formatted USB stick in FAT32)
Turns AZBox
Wait till you leave the IP on the screen AZBox
On your PC open the latest version of AZUp
Enter the IP you see on the screen AZBox
Click the Update button
AZUp comprueva the action to perform, I mean that checks the file patch.bin (E2 or FW version Original)
AZUp create 4 partitions in the DOM and Formats
then copy the Official Kernel in Flash (it takes about 2.5 min)
when you see the popup – first part of update is done, But dont remove from USB stick AZBOX – Do not remove the USB Stick!!
AZBox wait for the restart and when you’re in the Setup Menu of the Official FW installed as usual
III) E2 have installed and want to upgrade to a newer Update your AZBox E2
Turns AZBox (Disconnects from the current or “Off the back button)
Insert the USB Stick into the USB port to rear AZBox patch.bin File (E2) (pre-formatted USB stick in FAT32)
Turns AZBox
Wait till you leave the IP on the screen AZBox
On your PC open the latest version of AZUp
Enter the IP you see on the screen AZBox
Click the Update button
AZUp comprueva the action to perform, I mean that checks the file patch.bin (E2 or FW version Original)
AZUp create 3 partitions in the DOM and Formats
Then copy the new kernel E2 in Flash (it takes about 2.5 min)
When leaving the message-remove usb stick and wait for reboot (Rebooting. .. msg on VFD) –
pushing out the USB stick, reboot and you have the New E2 Installed
This manual is made by the author AZUp Program
Ignoring other than these manuals . ”
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