HOW TO : Qbox Mini HD
How to Qbox Mini HD
” How and what do I do when I get the big Q-Box Mini?
Here’s to all the “beginners” (not!) Some simple guides:
– Update the filesystem via USB,
– Settings on the first boot
– Download the lineups.
I hope we can help!
Update file system via USB:
1. Connect the decoder to your TV and satellite plant;
2. Do not remove the usb stick from the decoder supplied (in case of suspected damage to the stick, the formatting is recommended in “FAT32” using a PC or replacement with a new key);
3. Download the latest update from / filesystem;
4. Unzip the *. rar file you just downloaded a program with eg winrar;
5. Qboxhd_update save the folder onto a USB stick;
6. Put the usb stick in receiver and turn it on;
7. The update will start automatically and will end when the TV in the classic menu wizard.
8. Remove the memory stick inserted for the update.
Settings menu wizard:
The first time the decoder will be asked for basic settings.
1. Choose the language;
2. Set your type of facility
ES: One Feed (HOTBIRD)
Mode config. Simple
Single Mode
Satellite Hot Bird 21 13.0E
No InviareDiSEqC
Mode config. Simple
Mode DiSEqC A / B
Port A Hot Bird 21 13.0E
Port B 23 Astra 19.2E
Config. Volt. And Yes 22KHz
InviareDiSEqC … No
3. Search channels optional.
If you intend to download a list of channels you do not need to search.
Installing Addons (Lineups, etc.)
1. Connect the power cable and turn on the decoder (or set the network settings menu);
2. Press Menu / Setup Menu / addons, download AddOns (green button), Duolabs Ok;
3. To list channels go to “Settings” and select your setting
ES: DUALFEED / Vhannibal DUALFEED 13-19 East
4. Confirm the various questions by pressing OK or the green button when prompted.
5. Repeat the process with other AddOns that you want.
6. When finished, exit the menu by pressing “Exit”.
7. You may need to restart the decoder (to be performed by the menu!).
If the decoder does not respond and hangs on boot or reboot constantly must be made to restore the system with one of these ways:
Download and install the latest version of the program for Recovery “QBoxHD_Updater” from the website
First way:
1. Connect the receiver to the LAN with a LAN cable normal;
2. Temporarily remove the firewall to protect your PC (Firewall active can cause lack of communication between your PC and QBoxHD MINI);
3. Open the software “QBoxHD Updater”;
4. In settings make sure it is set to the ip of the pc (ie and how to set ip QBOX any free ip (eg
(ONLY THE FIRST START, then to change these settings, press the “Program Settings”);
5. Save the settings, press the “Show Console”;
6. Press the “Recovery”;
7. Turn on the receiver while holding down the front of the Q-Box HD MINI;
8. When prompted, select the *. QHU (Al 01/12/10: “qboxhd_boot_update_2010_05_10.QHU” with Q-Box HD, “qboxhd_mini_boot_10_06_2010.QHU” with Q-Box Mini HD);
NB: The files will find them in the folder from where it started the setup or can be downloaded from the site
9. In about 10 seconds recovery should begin;
10. Once the recovery to proceed with updating the file system via USB.
Second way:
1. Connect the decoder to the PC directly to a normal LAN cable;
2. Set the PC a static IP (eg;
3. Temporarily remove the firewall to protect your PC (Firewall active can cause lack of communication between your PC and QBoxHD);
4. Open the software “QBoxHD Updater”;
5. In settings set the ip of the pc (ie and as a decoder ip any ip (eg
(ONLY THE FIRST START, then to change these settings, press the “Program Settings”);
6. Save the settings, press the “Show Console”;
7. Press the “Recovery”;
8. Turn on the receiver while holding down the front of the Q-Box HD MINI;
9. When prompted, select the *. QHU (Al 01/12/10: “qboxhd_boot_update_2010_05_10.QHU” with Q-Box HD, “qboxhd_mini_boot_10_06_2010.QHU” with Q-Box Mini HD);
NB: The files will find them in the folder from where it started the setup or can be downloaded from the site
10. In about 10 seconds recovery should begin;
11. Once the recovery to proceed with updating the file system via USB. ”
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