HOW TO : setup Mbox in AZbox HD
How to setup Mbox in AZbox HD
a- download the latest Mbox and unpack it
Note: for AZbox HD you will need only the following files – from the comprehensive package for all kinds of different receivers, PC’s and DVB-S cards: mbox_module and mbox.cfg [this one must be edited according to your needs];
b- However, mbox.prio and port.list files in the package are only examples [we shall come back to it]. Find good ones on the net and edit them according to your needs.
There are also similar files like, ignore.list and knows.ini files [from GBox] which apparently serve the same purpose – but I didn’t really spend time studying those yet…]
Apparently, if you have an original card that you want to share with people, but you want it to open the channels to which you subscribe, rather than trying to open them via virtual cards from the net [CS ] or by the Emulator itself [if something is hacked and available for our Emulators] – by using those files you tell the module to go to your local card and not to the Emulator itself or CS etc. There are idents of providers in those file, there are false ID’s, ID’s you do not want searched from etc. etc.
Comments/info/good files welcome!!! This forum has a thread with a good Prio list, if not really comprehensive! As for the rest, I need to learn together with the rest of you…
c- install Ultra Edit 32 or some such editor [UEStudio `06 is free]
d- download PuTTy from the net [free]
e- note your PC’s and your AZbox HD’s IP addresses
f- find good mbox.prio, and maybe even knows.ini [as I said, I don’t know much about the exact workings of it but will I investigate]
=================CREATE OR EDIT YOUR FILES================
1) Using UE32 editor,thembox.cfg file should be edited [for AZbox HD] prior to that as follows [only the important parameters, the rest is not to be touched:
Z: { 13 } { 8000 } – this line you need to edit with your PC’s correct IP address, of course, plus the port, so Black’s Mbox plugin Mbox Control Centre would work…
B: { 0 0 0 }
T: { /tmp/ }
K: { /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/ }
P: { /tmp/pmt.tmp }
Warning: make sure you get the file from Mbox 0.5 latest package! Then edit that one, don’t just copy the old one, as changes might occur in the meantime.
2) Now create your openxcas.conf, which should look like this, as Mower said [you can create a new one or edit an old one, using UE32 editor, as mentioned above]:
name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module
version = 1.00
3) Your cwshare.cfg should look like this [this is but a template but all you need to do is just edit the M and G lines at the bottom]:
# Mbox CS config file #
# CaID
#H: { 091F0FF3 }
# Send ECM’s at maximum 5 cards (please use this as default)
X: { 8 }
# Preffered cards ids (up to 32)
#X+: { 09610000:5 }
#X+: { 093B0000:10 }
#X+: { 0B000000:5 }
# max card’s distance to use for ecm
I: { 3 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#N: { 400 200 }
N: { 400 200 }
#NDS system ->Resending ECM(s) on timeout interval
#4000 (4 seconds)-> resend current ecm on boxid if no dcw
#2000 (2 seconds)-> wait 2 more seconds for dcw ,if no dcw on time resend ecm(s) to all boxid’s
O: { 6000 4000 }
#Connecting to newcamd server program Newcs
M: { { mypassword}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A2 A2 }}}}
G: { mypeer.dyndns.something { our ports { hispassword { A3 A3 }}}}
================FTP YOUR FILES TO AZBOX HD================
4) Connect with your AZbox HD via FTP – like FilleZilla client, put your box’s IP, use root as username and azbox as password, port 22 [Mbox CC will use port 21] -> connect, then go to EMU folder -> click on OpenXCAS folder
5) In OpenXCAS folder make the MboxCAS folder via FilleZilla FTP client, [Linux is case sensitive, so it’s MboxCAS] . Inside the OpenXCAS folder right click on empty space -> Create directory -> name it as described -> OK. It should be given the rights, this folder, so in FilleZilla: right click on MboxCAS folder -> File permissions -> 755 -> OK
6) Copy [drag and drop] into it: mbox_module, mbox.cfg, cwshare.cfg and port.list. Give the rights [right click on it -> File permissions -> 755 -> OK] to mbox_module only.
7) In your AZbox HD, using your FileZilla, find the /EMU/OpenXCAS/ folder [one up from MboxCAS]. In it you should find – and if you haven’t got it then create it – a file called module.seq to make Mbox the starting module [right click on it -> File permissions -> 755]. This is what it should look like:
That’s it!!! At this point we need no other “scripts” [files], says Mower!
8) According to Mower’s advice all you now need to do is to try to start the Mbox module, using Telnet [PuTTy or some such proggy], to make sure the module will start and there are no errors.
So, start the PuTTy.exe by double clicking on it,
log in with root as username [hit Enter on your keyboard],
azbox as password [Enter],
then the following 3 commands [Copy & Paste and Enter for each] to kick-start Mbox
and you’ll see the traffic/log/what’s going on:
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/
chmod 755 mbox_module
9) If it isn’t working I would advise you to REBOOT, then try the Telnet thing again.
====================THE NEXT STAGE====================
10) If everything is OK and you didn’t mess up the editing [and the files are in good working order, of course] you can now try to experiment with other “scripts”, like file, which looks like this [use your UE32 to create it – just C&P the following into UE32]:
cd /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS
./mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg &
Save it as and put it into the MboxCAS folder via FTP, give it CHMOD rights to 755, then reboot your receiver and then restart Mbox, if needed.
11) If everything isn’t working you can then try to add the following files to AZbox HD’s MboxCAS folder and try to start or improve the working of Mbox: mbox.prio [a must!].
11a) Then, allegedly, even, ignore.list and knows.ini [the last two I got from my old GBox, which need to be edited according to your needs, to your setup, as I mentioned earlier].
12) In my OpenXCAS folder I also have openxcas.conf looking like this [one must edit it according to the plugins one has installed]:
[modules] count = 4active_auto = true
active_1 = MultiCAS
active_2 = newcs
active_3 = mgcamd
active_4 = MboxCAS [module_1] name = MultiCAS
daemon = emu_module
version = 1.57C [module_2] name = newcs
daemon = newcs
argument = -nd
version = 1.6
xcasapi = FALSE [module_3] name = mgcamd
daemon = mgcamd
version = 1.32
# argument = -a 3 [module_4] ap= Yes
name = MboxCAS
daemon = mbox_module /EMU/OpenXCAS/MboxCAS/mbox.cfg
xcasapi = TRUE
wait=13 sec
version = 0.5-7
================THE LAST WARNING===============
AZbox HD, its firmware, is still in developmental stage and so are the programs/plugins that go with it. It all keeps changing, evolving! Ergo, KEEP YOUR COOL, BY KEEPING THIS IN MIND!Things are not yet perfect but they are improving!!! ”
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