
HOW-TO:Change skins

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Many of us have been tempted by the allure of XBMC’s beauty. There are some excellent skin designers out there who have gone to great lengths to create and share beautiful ways of viewing and navigating our media collections. As default, XBMC comes with the excellent skin Confluence, but there are plenty more to choose from.

1 Where do I change the skin?

  1. From XBMC’s home screen, cursor right (on a keyboard) until you have highlighted ‘System’.
  2. Cursor down to highlight ‘Settings’.
  3. On the Settings menu, press enter on ‘Appearance’.
  4. Cursor right to highlight the line ‘Skin – Confluence’ at the top and press enter
  5. Now you will see a screen which looks like this:

2 There’s only one skin there!

Right now you’ll only have the default skin Confluence installed. We need to fetch more from XBMC’s repositories.

  1. Press cursor left so that the ‘Get More…’ button is highlighted and press enter.
  2. Now you can pick which skin you want to install from the list! Simply cursor up and down to highlight the one you want to try, then press enter.
  3. A confirmation window will appear. Press enter on ‘Install’ to continue.
  4. You will see a percentage value beside the skin name complete, followed by the word ‘Enabled’ appear beside it.
  5. You may be prompted if you’d like to enable the skin now. Select ‘Yes’.

You’re done!

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