
HOW-TO:Install Kodi for Windows

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1 Installing of XBMC/Kodi for Windows

The installation of XBMC/Kodi for Windows is straightforward like most other Windows applications.

Download the latest version from After download open the .exe file after which you will get the installation dialog. Simply follow the shown installation screen after which the installation will begin. For most users the offered default settings are sufficient, if not, change them accordingly if you are sure you have to.

If you have Chocolatey installed you can run choco install xbmc from a command line or powershell instance.

After the installation you can immediately start using Kodi. To start Kodi, find it under the Windows Start button in a Program Group called Kodi. or simply use the desktop icon.

You can use the keyboard, mouse or remote control to navigate through the program. Add one or more sources in Videos, Music and/or Photos, see Media Sources and you are ready to play your media. For more information you can visit the main wiki page.

2 Uninstalling of XBMC/Kodi for Windows

Go to “Add or Remove Programs” in the “Control Panel” under Windows then choose to remove “XBMC/Kodi“. You can also find it under the Windows Start button in a Program Group called Kodi.

3 Upgrading XBMC/Kodi for Windows

Unless your copy of XBMC/Kodi is more than two years old, simply installing a newer version of XBMC/Kodi over an older version should cause no problems. If you are upgrading your copy of XBMC/Kodi, it is ALWAYS recommended that you backup your data: Backup.

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