DM8000 – Watch files from your pc (Win 7)
Here is an Example in how to see files (videos) from your PC.
– PC Windows 7 x64
– PC Name : torrent
– PC Password : 1234
The name and the password are very important, without password it won’t work !
In this example i’m using the folder “Downloads” from my pc account.
Go to C: , Users, torrent, right click on downloads folder and choose “proprieties”, Go to tab “Share” and enter, now enter “advanced Share” thick the case “share this folder” validate after hit “ok”.
We are done with the PC, you can repeat this step with others Folders if you want.
Now we go to Drembox
Enter menu, setup, system, network and enter “Lan connection”.
Go to “network browser”, now you should see all your network devices, and in this case something like this: (TORRENT-PC).
Now, enter “ (TORRENT-PC)”, Dream will ask if you want enter a name and password, choose “YES” and enter this : Name: torrent, Password: 1234 validate (enter OK).
Next, enter “Mounts Management” and choose “add new network mount point”.
Active – Enable
Local share name – Sharename (or enter another name if you have several pc’s or folders)
Mount Type – CIFS share
Server IP –
Server Share – downloads (or enter the folder you shared before on your pc)
Use as HDD replacement – no
Mount Options – rw
Username – torrent
Password – 1234
No Hit “OK” to activate.
Now you should be able to see the folder on your pc.
In this video, i’m using dm8000 with last “NewNigma2” Image, but it’s working also on my others boxes (enigma1 and enigma2).
Now enter Menu and choose “Media Player” or “Dvd Player” on left side of screen you should see all “devices” on your Dm8000, in my case i have : USB CF Reader, ST3250823AS(my hdd), Harddisk, Internal Flash and Sharename
On my Shared pc folder, i only have downloaded MKV’s and Dvd’s.
For Playing Video.
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