How to restore the original filesystem in the USB Stick
This procedure explains how to restore the Official Image for QBoxHD downloadable from the
official QBoxHD Web Site.
This procedure may be needed in case of:
• Restore the original USB Slim stick in case of file damage or corruption.
• Replacement of the original USB Stick with a new USB Stick.
Note: Make sure you have the latest Official Boot Image installed. To install the Official Boot Image please
download it from the official web site and upload it using the QBoxHD updater. If the latest Official Boot Image
is not installed some functions might be not working properly.
1. The original USB Stick Slim format or a brand new one which will host the new filesystem
(called PEN1)
What is needed
2. Another USB Stick with minimum 1GB of free space (called PEN2)
1. Turn OFF your QBoxHD and remove the internal original USB Stick Slim (PEN1)
2. Download from the official web page the latest Official Image file (not the Boot Image) in
.TBZ format (not the .QBU)
3. Uncompress the .TBZ file using WinRar or WinZip. After uncompressing the file there inside
the folder there will be a new folder called “qboxhd_update” containing the update files.
4. Insert the original damaged (Slim) USB Stick or brand new one your PC USB port (PEN1).
5. Format it (PEN1) in FAT32 with quick format option.
6. Insert PEN2 and format it in FAT32 with quick format option.
7. Copy the “qboxhd_update” folder and its files into the PEN2.
8. Insert PEN1 (blank and formatted in FAT32) and PEN2 (contains “qboxhd_update” folder and
its updating files) in the QBoxHD USB port.
No matter which port the two USB Sticks (PEN1 and PEN2) are inserted as the USB Ports of
QBoxHD acts like a USB Switch.
9. Turn ON the QBoxHD with both USB Sticks inserted.
10. After about 15 seconds an image will appear on the screen with a loading information.
11. After about 10 seconds the loading image (point 10) will disappear and the “UPDATE IN
PROGRESS “ image will start.
12. Do not power off the receiver until the update is finished.
This procedure may take several minutes.
13. When finished rurn OFF the QBoxHD.
14. Remove the PEN2 from the QBoxHD.
15. Turn ON the QBoxHD.
Note: The filesystem USB Stick is formatted in EXT3 Linux mode.Windows operating system is not natively
supporting EXT3 format. With this procedure QBoxHD resident boot will recognize the USB Stick containing the
update (PEN2) and it will automatically format in EXT3 the new pen which will host the new filesystem (PEN1)
and copy the filesystem (in folder qboxhd_update) and install the new filesystem.
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Procedure explanation is very detailed about how to restore the Official Image for QBoxHD downloadable from the official QBoxHD Web Site. To get more info please visit