Setup VU+ Duo with Hard Disk
VU+ Duo Setup – With Hard Disk.
” Just bought a VU+ Duo box for a mate. Very impressed with the build quality although the looks of the frontface is a little dull.
I flashed it from a USB stick, very easy to do and very fast.
I used the latest VUPlus Community black hole image which is written by Meo and the ex DreamElite team. It’s basically the same image with all the great control panels etc.
They don’t support emulators any more, I guess this is because they are officially endorsed by VU+ themselves and so have to make a stance to stay clear of CS.
With this in mind, I FTP’d the latest CCcam blackhole package to /tmp and did a manual install from the addons panel. It worked perfectly. Dead easy. So I guess they didn’t try to hard to stay away from that sort of thing.
I setup picons and EPG on a usb stick, dead easy. Although they’ve changed the name of the epgproviders config file in /etc but you can’t miss it. I had to add satmake UK manually to the config file, again dead easy.
I installed a 500gb hard disk and this gave me a problem. It didn’t show up in the devices list and so ofcourse I couldn’t mount it.
Using a telnet session I investigated.
I typed :-
fdisk -l
This listed the hard disk and reported it had no partition table. Hence the reason the VU+ doesn’t see the drive.
Next I made a partition and formatted it.
I typed :-
fdisk /dev/sda
then I typed :-
(write new partition table and exit)
Lastly I typed :-
mkfs.ext3 /dev/sda
Once this was completed I restarted the box and now it showed in the devices list. I selected /media/hdd as it’s mount point.
Job done.
I installed my bouquets from DreamboxEdit and edited a CCcam.cfg and that’s it the box is up and running. Everything working perfectly. ”
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